
After seeing the first trailer for the live action Sonic the Hedgehog movie, I (Justin) along with a lot of people were disappointed after seeing the “Kid in a blue fur-suit” design of the protagonist.

I took a free Sunday to visualize what Sonic would look like with hair applied to his Sonic 06 design. I based my model on the Sonic 06 cut-scene version, and groomed the hair based on a more rigid fur as to explain his spikes.

Modeling, Layout, Grooming, and Look development was done in Cinema 4D, while rendering was handled in Octane Standalone. This was because our main computer would crash because of the maximum GPU Memory becoming reached. We had to use our 7 GPU computer as the master (instead of it’s usual slave role) to provide the heavy lifting of loading the 366 million individual hairs on the Blue Blur.

Included at the bottom of the page is the trailer to the official Sonic the Hedgehog Movie by Paramount as comparison.


SPEC – Sonic the Hedgehog


SPEC – Internet

What We Did

VFX . Edit . Color

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